Your website is changing! Your web development team is nearing the end of a project to create a new, more comprehensive and interactive website for our members. The new site will be going live soon, at which time this one will no longer be updated, but you'll still be able to get to the new site by coming here first. Watch out for notifications here.
Back by Popular Request!! Adventure Crazy Golf Challenge, on Wednesday 18 September. See the Diary page for details of this popular and fun event, and read about the last one on our Social Events page.
Technology Group want to know what I.T. or general technology problems you have that they could help with.
A NOTE ABOUT EMAIL LINKS: When you click on an email link on any of our pages most email apps will open automatically. However, if this doesn't work for you, you can right-click on the link and copy and paste the address into your email.
The University of the Third Age (u3a) is a non-religious, non-political organisation that exists to provide a framework in which retired and semi-retired people from all backgrounds can get involved in helping to create, run and join learning-based activities. These improve our knowledge and skills, enhance our physical and mental well-being and keep us socially connected.
Learn about the National u3a organisation here. South Solihull u3a is a lively and friendly group of over 150 members, from Knowle, Bentley Heath and surrounding communities in the West Midlands. We are always open to new members - for further information please contact us.
Our activities are organised by a committeedrawn from our members. Of course, we'd love you to join our u3a, but if we don't offer the Interest Group that you are looking for, or would prefer to join a group in a different location, there are many other u3as in the area. Have a look at the other u3as in the area. We also have a page advertising local events that might appeal to our members.
"If you only do what you can do, you'll never be better than what you are now."
Master Shifu
We invite all members to our monthly Core Meetings.
The strength of our u3a is in its interest groups. You can find a full list of our groups Here.
Most groups are eager to welcome new members, and some are actively seeking to boost their numbers so please do consider joining one, or maybe more! Just contact the group's Coordinator to express an interest.
You can also help us grow by leading a group. A huge knowledge of the subject is not necessary, there is help from u3a Headquarters. If you are interested in starting a group please email our Group Coordinator - Helen Clarke.
In addition to the activities of our Interest Groups, we also run a variety of social activities that are open to all members. Details will appear in the Diary and on the Socialpage
We take your safety seriously. Safety measures include: * Production and implementation of various venue and activity risk assessments. * Production and implementation of a Health And Safety Policy * Training in emergency first aid and use of defibrillator. 30 members have been trained so far.