South Solihull u3a Family History Group
Coordinator: Pam Hunter
When: About once a month. 13:00h.
Where: Solihull library (and occasionally on Zoom)
When: About once a month. 13:00h.
Where: Solihull library (and occasionally on Zoom)
Our group meets to help and encourage our members in their individual family history research. We like to share our discoveries and pass on what we have found out. We have also been involved in some shared learning projects.
We meet once a month in Solihull library IT room. This is usually on a Monday afternoon towards the end of the month. We use the IT room as we have the use of 12 computers there to use to research our own family histories or to help other members to research theirs. New members are welcomed and helped and advised on how to start their research.
Before each session we meet in the library café from 1 p.m. so that we can have lunch or coffee and share and talk about our research before the meeting. There are people in the group with lots of experience who are always available to help newer members.
We also do occasional Zoom meetings for people who are Covid Vulnerable.
We also have occasional meetings in our homes to look at topics in more detail.
We have recently had a home workshop to look at dating old photographs and restoration of the old images.
A group of us visited Birmingham Library Archives department and the Midland Ancestors Birmingham Library in September.
Some members have been to talks at the BMI by Midland Ancestors and also to their talks in Kenilworth.
Other members have attended talks and meetings in Birmingham and London.
We pass on information about any such events to members of the group and keep them informed about any new websites that become available..
We are a friendly group and always have a Christmas social meeting. We aim to make new members feel very welcome.